This summer, the new Top Chef promo is rocking Paris with new addresses. After Mohamed Cheikh at the Jardin des Plantes and Chloé Charles at the Carnavalet Museum , it's Sarah Mainguy's turn to sign the highly delicious menu of her ephemeral address called Grand Vacarme .
Instead, aim for his crazy green bean salad in which hides a little robot milk and liquid cream for the ultimate smoothness. Honestly: we had never tasted such a good one. Here is the recipe to keep safe.
200 g green beans
200 g of potato
200 g butter
1/2 lemon thyme
80 g anchovies
200 g ribot milk
400g liquid cream
3 cloves of garlic
300 g green beans
Neutral oil
½ flat parsley
Blanch the green beans and reserve half for the plate.
Cook the potatoes .
Mix the grilled green beans and pass through a sieve .
Mix with the potato and whisk in the butter .
To prepare the sauce, heat the liquid cream , the lemon t hymn and the flat parsley . Mix with the anchovies and the garlic cloves .
Add buttermilk .
Mix the oil, the lemon thyme and the flat parsley , to pass through the Chinese .
Cool on ice and collect the oil. Discard the bottom.
© albindurand
Also discover the top chef Chloé Charles gives us her secret recipe and how to copy the shakshuka of the Dalia restaurant .