Very Swarovski eyebrows

Des Sourcils Tres Swaroski

Because the holiday season is ideal for glitter eccentricities, why not dare an eyebrow dressed up with Swarovski crystals. These small pellets are to be stuck along the eyebrow line or on the forehead in the Indian bindi dot style.

Two options: go for the Snow Queen look by stopping in a Benefit eyebrow bar (starting at 7€) or get yourself the Bling Brow kit to put together your own gaze (27€).

Bling Brow treatments in 107 eyebrow bars at Sephora all over France and in the Benefit boutique, starting at 7€.

Bling Brow kit, 52 self-sticking crystals and a mini pair of tweezers, 27€.


Where to find it?

Salon Bénéfit

56, rue Tiquetonne

75002 Paris

01 40 13 72 12

Sentier Sentier

Les Halles Les Halles

Etienne Marcel Etienne Marcel

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