A real secret garden: the must for a picnic in the city

Jardin Rue Des Rosiers

Who could have believed that hidden in the trendy Marais, there could be a little corner of paradise. A wildly bucolic garden, totally hidden. But you still need to know how to find it…

Where to go. Enter by the 35 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, walk through the paved courtyard of the Hôtel de Coulanges private mansion. Pass through the Maison de l’Europe. This is where you will discover an awesome little square, where you will be blissfully alone to read on the wooden benches, picnic on the grass…

We like : this ideal place to nibble on a sandwich from L’as du fallafel or Florence Kahn or a picnic put together with foodies from the Boulangerie jaune bakery on rue des Rosiers…

Careful : hours are tied to the Maison de l’Europe : from 2pm to 7pm.

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Where to find it?

Jardins Franc-Bourgeois Rosiers

35, rue des Francs-Bourgeois

75004 Paris

Saint-paul (le Marais) Saint-paul (le Marais)

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