The super easy slimming routine


No time, no energy, no motivation, no patience… The week zipped just by. You worked really hard, went out to happy hour with the girls... But you never made it to the gym.

As good as they may be, your excuses don’t hold up when it comes to your thighs/legs/butt. They will not slim down on their own; no matter how well-intentioned you feel. Except, of course, if you go for Option B.

Better offer? A 3-step super clever attack plan put together by Caudalie to detox and slim down without the slightest effort. Up to – 3,8 cm around the thighs can disappear, simply by relaxing. What could be better?

Step 1: As you get out of the shower, message the Thinning Concentrate on your body, focusing on the problem areas. This dry oil full of essential oils (lemongrass, citron, geranium, rosemary…) smoothes and tones your skin. That’s done.

Step 2: Two times a week take a quick trip to the spa direct from your bathroom, using the  Crushed Cabernet scrub. This aromatic grape seed scrub borrowed from professionals exfoliates dead skin and smoothes the dermis.

Step 3: Organic draining teas to sip all day. The mix of grape vine, blackcurrant, blueberry, orange peel, and cinnamon clears and purifies the system. Easy.

What we like : the precious helping hand offered by these three thinning formulas with active, 100% natural bases from Parisians’ favourite eco-friendly brand.

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