The guide of the stylish man… even in flip-flops

L Homme Style Ue Me Eme En Tongs Ouverture

If your darling dad continues to violate all the laws of  cool fashion such as a tank top under his shirt, socks in his topsiders or hiked up pants like Chirac, this very clever book should set him straight.

Because « The guide of the stylish man… even in flipflops» pinpoints all the Summer fashion faux pas while giving precious advice to men who think fashion and shopping are akin to an UFO. In addition to tips and an address book, they will find the answers adopted to situations as delicate as the  adequate outfit for a BBQ,  the must wear of the perfect camper or the suitable look for a wedding.

We like: the clever advice and the low key tone of Geoffrey Bruyère and Benoît Wotjenka, the dandy authors already at the origin of the fashion site for men and the first opus of Le guide de l’homme stylé… même mal rasé ».

Le guide de l’homme stylé… même en tongs, Geoffrey Bruyère and Benoît Wotjenka


96 pages, 12,90 €

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