Tired of corny romance novels, feel-good books or run-of-the-mill detective stories? Ready to move on to very hot literature? In Erotic stories for Punjabi Widows: a Novel, author Balli Kaur Jaswal gives us a new outlook when it comes to writing about sex. Multiple positions, improbable intrigues, and multi-person sex... A focus on the fundamentals of erotic literature.
A carefully planned intrigue or nothing
Because “raw” and basic sex can be exciting in porn films, the style and the construction of the narration have their importance when it comes to erotic literature. Imagine: do you prefer we reproduce right from the first pages the juicy details of an illegitimate couple’s preliminaries or are you expecting for the sexual tension to slowly increase as the forbidden makes two married persons come closer?
In this novel by Balli Kaur Jaswal, Nikki, a 22-year-old Londoner, animates a writing workshop just for women. Very quickly, her students, for the most part widows and illiterate, demonstrate a fertile imagination and launch into the construction of tales that get hotter and hotter...
Go for it
Once the story is set up and the context explained, don't fear to read very intimate, even trashy details pertaining to sexual acts, (after all we are there for that also!). Whether you are a widow, married or a bachelor, no reason to deprive yourself from a little pimento when it comes to your erotic imagination!
Example: in one of the stories told by Sheena, a student of Nikki’s naughty literature course: “She placed her lips on the precious organ, that became hard as stone. She began to move her lips and felt the tension below her. Sitting astride him, she slightly arched her back, offering her intimate parts in full and entire view. He just needed to slightly tilt his head so that his tongue could tickle the ripe bud fluttering between the legs Neena.” Need a fan?
Dealing with homosexuality
Whether or not you are gay, don’t be afraid to write or read erotic stories of two persons from the same sex, because the effect is guaranteed! In the novel, it is very difficult not to fall under the spell of the tale invented by Tanveera daring young Indian woman.
Courageous, she did not hesitate to brave all the forbiddens of her culture by telling the very hot story of Meera and Rita, sister-in-laws living under the same roof who succumb to each other’s charms: « Meera raced to the closet but her hand fell on a box of clay sticks, of such length and width that they resembled a certain part of a man’s body. Before even asking for an explanation, she felt breathing behind her. – I did not think someone would find these,” whispered Rita. We are sure that you are eager to learn more !
Erotic stories for Punjabi Widows: a Novel by Balli Kaur Jaswal, Belfond, €21
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