We told you to keep an eye on this line of leather goods and jewelry with neo-vintage inspirations. Well we were right on target…
The two pretty sisters behind Sestra have just opened a lovely Art Deco boudoir. Graphic wallpaper, golden mirrors and comfy sofa for your +1—in short the best conditions to try on their timeless creations.
Their signature? Fine gems (onyx, amethyst, moon stone, lapis-lazuli…), which they find in India, inlaid on leather bags and pouches. These outstanding stones are also presented as jewelry pieces mounted on silver-gilt-- totally over the top.
We adore: the leather cuffs with large cabochon stones (95€), water green Amazon earrings (95€), small retro rings (starting at 45€) and sharkskin cardholders (15€).
Bravo, the girls slipped a chain inside the pouches (starting at 175€), ultra practical to wear over the shoulder at a party.
Monday from 2pm to 7pm and Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 7pm.