Sandwich pit stop at Café Suédois in the Marais

Cafe suedois sandwich

Imagine a marvelous private mansion near the place des Vosges, aka Hôtel de Marles, a Parisian jewel that shelters a paradise of Made in Scandinavia softness.

We have named the Maison de la Suède where you can relax in the most comforting café of the Marais.

Behind the sandwich and cake counter, a pretty local doll goes out of her way to serve just what you feel like nibbling on with genuine welcome…

The result is very very cool prices for a delicious beet and meatball sandwich (just like Ikéa except better), herring-potato and mayo, tuna (5€) with black or white bread. They also have good beet soup (6€), to eat while sipping a fresh carrot juice (2€) or a nice cup of coffee (3€). Fresh brioches cinnamon rolls, cranberry and almond tart, a carrot-cake to die for (4€). So just settle at a little checkered table and enjoy life.

TOPS: an anti-blues address for Sunday and a great hideaway at cool prices in the trendy Marais…

No to be missed 66° Nord: the Swedish attitude! An arty season starting 11 February at the Swedish Institute with 3 months of concerts, literary encounters and Swedish exhibitions… There is always a good reason to come nestle in this pretty house .

Open Tuesday to Sunday without reservations, from noon to 6pm.

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Where to find it?

Le café suédois

20 rue de Martignac

75007 Paris

01 87 03 96 90

Saint-paul (le Marais) Saint-paul (le Marais)

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