Phéno food: how to make a Swedish sandwich cake?

Sandwich Cake

This Swedish cake is the new obsession on Instagram. Lovers of savory will appreciate: it is a birthday cake … in the form of a finger sandwich .

A real phenomenon, the vegan have seized on it to make it a healthy delight. Particularly Marie Laforet , papess of the plant, who comes out with an extraordinary recipe with Julie Bavant in their last draw at Solar: Aperitifs and vegan buffets .

Tasty meal (bon appétit)!


1 sliced white bread

2 doses of cashew cream

1 cucumber

½ steamed broccoli

Plain mayonnaise (see recipe below)

1 jar of smoked carrots (see recipe below)

1 bunch of dill

1 bunch of chives

1 bunch of coriander or chervil

About ten fresh or dried edible flowers

For the mayonnaise:

100 ml soy milk

1 C. Dijon mustard

½ lemon

400 ml of neutral oil


Preparation of the sandwich cake

1. Do you know the recipe for vegetable mayo ? Nothing could be simpler: blender 100 ml of soy milk + 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard + the juice of ½ lemon. Then add 400 ml of neutral oil in a stream as for a classic mayo until you obtain a very firm mixture with 1 tbsp. of turmeric. Reserve in the fridge.

2. The day before, prepare the smoked carrots: mix the salt, sugar and dill to obtain a homogeneous preparation. Brush the carrots. Make ribbons using a mandolin or a vegetable peeler. Place them in a bowl with the dill mixture, salt and sugar. Cover and set aside in the fridge. The next day, rinse and drain the carrots. Cover them with oil halfway up in a bowl, making sure they are all coated. Place the smoker on the fire and cover it as tightly as possible. As soon as the smoke begins to trickle out, you can lower the heat and let it smoke for 5 to 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let stand for 20 minutes. Transfer the carrots and smoked oil to a lidded jar while waiting.

3 - Prepare colorful toppings for the inside of your cake.

  • Yellow: mix cashew cream + turmeric mayonnaise and chopped dill.
  • Orange: mix the cashew cream and the mixed smoked carrots.
  • Green: mix the cashew cream and steamed broccoli.

4. In a mold about 18 cm in diameter, alternate layers of bread, cashew cream and vegetables to the edge.

5. Reserve 1 hour in the freezer to firm and combine everything.

6. Unmould the sandwich cake and place it on a cutting board or a flat plate.

7. Using a spatula or a large knife, coat it with plain cashew cream and decorate it to your liking, harmoniously arranging sprigs of herbs, slices of vegetables, a few flowers and possibly small touches of tobiko.

8. Put it back in the refrigerator about 2 hours before serving.

© Aline Caron

Also discover the secret of François-Régis Gaudry's tiramisu and how to make a stylish white cheese cake.

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