The rhubarb with spring flowers

Nuage Rhubarbe

The rhubarb cloud recipe of Beatriz Gonzalez, the Mexican chef of the Left Bank Grande Epicerie restaurant,  whose style is based on subtle mixes of sweet/salty as well as touches of perfectly dosed acidity on the plates.

For 4 persons • Preparation : 30 min • Cooking : 15 min

For the creamy rhubarb:

In a pan, heat the pulp of rhubarb and 250 g of sugar, with the gelatine leaf previously rehydrated.

Using a beater, blanch the eggs with 350 g of sugar, then add them to the pulp of sweetened l rhubarb.

Heat on a low flame, constantly beating, until the preparation thickens like a crème pâtissière, then beat the cream with the butter away from the flame using  a robot.

For the cloud of rhubarb:

Beat the egg whites into snow peaks with the sugar.

Rehydrate the  gelatine in a little bit of water and allow to melt, then mix with the water.

Incorporate this mixture with the beaten egg whites, then continue to mix. In dome-shaped moulds or well oiled circles, place a layer of cloud, then a layer of creamy rhubarb—ending with a new layer of cloud. Oil a plastic film and cover.

Cook in a pressure cooker during 4 to 5 min at 80°C. Set in a fresh place before unmoulding (15 min after cooking). With a knife, peel the rhubarb branches, then cut up into strips.

Set  aside to place in 30° syrup.

For the sweet dough :

In the vat of a beater, place all the ingredients, mix until the dough unsticks from the sides and is homogenous.

Allow the dough to sit in a fresh place for 30 min.

Spread the dough with a pastry pin with 2 to 3 mm thickness and cut up dough circles (the sized of the clouds) with cookie cutters. Bake at 180°C for 5 min.

For the syrup at 30°: pour the water in a pan, add the powdered sugar. Two green lemon zest for infusion. Bring to a boil. Stop the cooking as soon as the sugar is completely melted.

Glaze the rhubarb ribbon in this syrup.

For the presentation:

Place a circle of sweet dough on the centre of the plate, then place a cloud on top.

Decorate with rhubarb slivers, the edible flowers and a few dabs of creamy rhubarb.


Also discover the melting apples by Béatriz Gonzalez and the recipe for the strawberry cheesecake.

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Ingredients :

Creamy rhubarb :

- 1 kg pulp of rhubarb (mashed or jam)

- 250 g of sugar

- 6 whole eggs

- 350 g of sugar

- 1,4 kg of butter

- 6 leaves of gelatine

Clouds :

- 30 cl of water

- 100 g of sugar

- 4 egg whites

- 2 leaves of gelatine

Sweet dough :

- 150 g of butter

- 250 g of flour

- 62 g of almond power

- 125 g of glazed sugar

- 2 g of fleur de sel

- 1 vanilla pod

- 1 egg

- Syrup at 30° = (1,4 L water + 1,350 kg of sugar)

- 1 kg of rhubarb

- 2 green lemons

Edible flowers :

- Chrysanthemum, hibiscus, pink, nasturtium

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