Whip up a stylish quiche

Quiche Olive

Crédit : ML Tombini / Passion Céréales

For a happy hour, a picnic or a light lunch, here is a salty quiche, speedy, veggie and delicious that everyone will adore.

For 4 to 6 persons

Preparation time: 45 min

Cooking time: 30 min

Resting time: 30 min

1.Create the shortcrust: in a salad bowl, put the butter, flour and a pinch of salt. Mix and use your fingers, until you obtain a sandy texture.

2. Add the water, mixing little by little, until the dough forms a ball. Spread like a disc, cover with plastic film and place for 30 min in the icebox.

3. Spread the dough on a counter covered with flour and place in a tart mould covered with cooking paper.

4. In a salad bowl, whip the eggs, with the cream and the thyme. Pour in the tart mould.

5. Cut the goat cheese in round shapes and place in the dish. Then put the  olives on top.

6. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 30 min.


Als discover the spring veggie tart of Catherine Kluger and the recipe for tartine of goat cheese and granola.

written by


For the shortcrust :

- 250 g of wheat flour T65

- 125 g of diced up butter

- Salt

- 4 cl of cold water

For the garnishing :

- 3 eggs

- 20 cl of liquid cream

- 1 teaspoon of thyme

- 100 g of black olives

- 100 g of goat cheese

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