Matcha Green Bowl from the Guinguette d’Angèle

Green Bowl

Angèle Ferreux-Maeght is the big healthy priestess who feeds all the fashionistas. Concretely, her two guinguettes and her brunch are always bustling; she also delivers private luncheons for Chanel, Dior, Vuitton during the fashion shows. Her new book, La Guinguette d’Angèle, is a real bible, where one finds more than 200 super delicious recipes.

Our favourite? The Matcha Green Bowl. Its virtues: “this super fresh bowl, extremely rich in chlorophyll,  is perfect to provide oxygen to cells and stock up on vitality,” explains Angèle… and can be prepared in 5 minutes flat.

Preparation in 5 minutes

Cook the quinoa in twice its volume of water: heat on low flame, then, when the water is boiling, turn off the fire and cover. Cut the avocado and grapes in two. Wash the spinach sprouts. Prepare the sauce: beat all the ingredients with a whip or fork.. Present the drained quinoa in a bowl, then all the ingredients, by creating little compartiments, the seeds and herbs last, just before serving the sauce.

livre guinguette angele


© Aurélie Miquel

La Guinguette d’Angèle, aux Editions Marabout.

Also discover the veggie salade with couscous grain and the green bowl by youMAKEfashion.

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For 1 bowl:

70 g of quinoa (or rice,

lentils, boulgour…)

1 avocado

5 to 6 green grapes

1 bunch of spinach sprouts

1 teaspoon of squash seeds

1 teaspoon of hemp seeds

2 branches of fresh herbs

(basil, mint, thyme)

½ lemon

For the matcha sauce:

1 teaspoon of

matcha tea powder

2 tablespoon of olive oil

Juice from ½ lemon (or teaspoon of

umeboshi paste)

1 tablespoon of agava syrup

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