How to make your own romanesco cabbage ?

Chou Romanesco

© Guillaume Czerw

The romanesco cabbage is both a superb veggie and quite original. This salad deffo has a waouhhhh ! effect.


I remove the romanesco cabbage and cauliflower leaves and cut them up with a knife or a mandoline. The idea is having small tips and a few larger ones. If I use grapes, I cut them in half, remove the pits if there are some; for the apple, I cut it up in small cubes, without peeling it, then carefully smear with lemon.

I whip all the ingredients of the sauce together, finishing by the oil.

I present the sauce at the bottom of a pretty hollow plate (I like serving this salad individually, by the plate), then the mix of cabbages, fruits, the nuts and the herbs.

Very often, I add a protein on top (fish, eggs, meat or just a half-avocado).

Peas & Love by Catherine Kluger at the Editions de la Martinière, 25 €.


Also discover the veggie cauliflower salad and the healthy bowl by Catherine Kluger.

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- 1 romanesco cabbage

- A few cauliflower flowers

- 1 bunch of grapes or ½ apple or 4 tablespoons of pomegranate seeds or segment from 1 grapefruit or 1 orange

- 2 to 3 tablespoons mixing

- 2 freshly chiselled herbs (chervil, parsley, aniseed, coriander, basil or tarragon)

- 2 tablespoons of hazelnuts or roasted Cajun nuts, coarsely crushed


- 60 g of tahini

- 6 cl of water

- 3 tablespoons of lemon juice

- 1 teaspoon of honey or maple juice

- 1 teaspoon of powdered curcuma

- ½ teaspoon of Espelette pimento or Cayenne pepper

- 2 tablespoons of olive oil

- Salt, pepper

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