Lazy toast by Raphaële Marchal

Raphaele Marchal

If there was only one gluttony activist to choose from, it's her. His Insta account En Rang d'Oignons makes us salivate all day long, like his chronicles on C8 and his tempting books. Evidenced by his latest book Les bonne bouffes de mon père , a real call to sit down to eat quickly…

Raphaële Marchal: “I am not a cook at all”

But in real life, once back home, how does this pure-bred foodie cook?
I'm not a cook at all ,” laughs Raphaële. I love sandwiches and salads… My lazy mantra pushes me to do as little as possible with the best products…

Always eager for good tips, we infiltrated her kitchen to steal her favorite seasonal recipe: goat cheese, peas & strawberry toast. “ I love salty-sweet!”

The list of good ingredients

Don't ask me for the proportions, I prepare my toast at a glance. The important thing is to shop at good merchants in your neighborhood to have good products.
To me :

  • Christophe Michalak 's fruit bread that can be found in the Marais, Saint-Germain or in the 9th...

  • A fresh goat cheese with raw milk. I love those from Maison Plisson with a nice acidity.

  • Oblica, an extraordinary olive oil that I order online directly from the producer.


  • At the market gardener: fresh peas, pecans, mint, organic avocados from Spain, raspberries and open field strawberries. At the moment, I really like the Dreams.

  • A jar of artichokes marinated in olive oil.

Alain Passard's tips for an extremely simple recipe

My only technique, I stole it from Alain Passard to cook the peas so that they keep their color, the vitamins and the minerals ”, explains Raphaële.

Fry the peas in a pan with a little water, 8 min over very low heat, covered with a lid. It's ready !

Toast the bread in the toaster.

Spread with fresh goat cheese.

Slice the avocado before placing it on the toast.

Arrange the small artichoke pieces.

Cover the peas with a spoon and the halved mint leaves.

Place the strawberries cut into quarters, then the raspberries, and finally the walnuts.

A little twist of salt and pepper.

At table !

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