Relocate the Martinez pissaladière!

Recette Pissaladiere

As if you were direct from a beach on the Côte d'Azur, working a pissalaidère after a splash in the Mediterranean, here is the recipe for making 2 pissaladières with a diameter of around 30 cm, as the chef Christian Sinicropi realizes. for the Martinez , in Cannes .

For the pissaladière dough

Pour the flour into a salad bowl and dig a fountain, add the salt then the baker 's yeast previously diluted in water and finish with the olive oil . Mix the dough with your fingertips and knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic. Let stand for about 30 minutes under a tea towel at room temperature.

Divide the dough in half and roll out the two dough pieces to form 2 pizzas .

For the onions in tempura

In a bowl, dilute the tempura flour with a dash of sparkling water until a fluid dough is obtained, peel and cut the onions into rings to obtain rings 5mm thick.

Immerse the rings in the dough then fry them in a deep fryer at 140 ° C. They should not color, when they come out of the oil bath, place them on absorbent paper and add a turn of freshly ground pepper to reserve at room temperature for keep them crisp until serving.

For the onion compote

Peel the onions , cut them in half and slice them crosswise .

In a casserole dish over low heat, heat a drizzle of olive oil and melt 10 anchovy fillets . Once the anchovies are melted, add the onions, mix well so that the anchovies coat the onions and cook over low heat with a lid. Add a splash of water if necessary so that the onions do not stick. Stop cooking once the onions are tender, then set aside until the presentation.

For dressing and cooking

Distribute the onion compote over the two pastas spread over a 1 cm layer, taking care to leave a rim of about 1 cm, add the remaining anchovies and taggiasche olives then bake in a hot oven for 20 to 30 minutes at 200 ° C. Check the doneness of the dough. Right out of the oven, add the riquette leaves and the tempura onion rings, cut the pissaladière into 8 parts and serve.

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