How to make this extraordinary pavlova with mirabelle plums?

Palvova Aux Mirabelles

© Emilie Guelpa

Wonder: the pavlova twists with the seasons and the fruits. This fall: it is enhanced by mirabelle plums , vanilla and pistachios .

Preparation: 30 minutes

Cooking: 2 hours

For 6 persons.


  • Preheat the oven to 100 ° C.

  • Using a food processor, whip the egg whites with the salt , gradually increasing the speed. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar . Let the egg whites rise slightly then pour in the rest of the sugar little by little while continuing to beat.

  • When the meringue is well mounted, add 10 drops of lemon juice . Then add the icing sugar in 2 batches, then beat for another 5 minutes until the icing sugar is well incorporated.

  • Form a dome of meringue on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Lightly dig the inside of the dome. Bake for 2 hours in the bottom of the oven.

  • At the end of cooking, turn off the oven, open the door a little and let the meringue cool before removing it.

  • Meanwhile, prepare the whipped cream : pour the liquid cream and the vanilla into the bowl of a food processor then whip everything into whipped cream . Incorporate the mascarpone then beat again until obtaining a homogeneous consistency. Keep cool until use.

  • Cut in half and pit the plums of Lorraine . Pour 200g of mirabelle plums and the juice of half a lemon in a blender then mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Filter the preparation to obtain a very smooth coulis.

  • Pour the whipped cream into the hollow of the meringue dome , add the plum coulis . Then place the rest of the mirabelle plums on the dome and sprinkle the whole with coarsely chopped pistachios .

Also discover the recipe for charlotte with blueberries and raspberries .

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