Superlumos' foolproof pancakes

It's the most comforting day of the year ! Mardi Gras is about to show its face, and a pancake recipe seemed essential. Today, we bring you the marbled pancake recipe from content creator Superlumos, taken from his book that we loved at Do It :Mon recueil de douceurs. Delicious even on their own, these pancakes have only one secret to success: butter (apologies to your nutritionist).


Ingredients to shop 

  • 300g of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 40g of sugar
  • 40g of butter
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (or 1 packet of vanilla sugar)
  • 800ml of milk

The recipe

Put all the ingredients in a blender. A few minutes are enough to make the batter smooth and without lumps. Be careful not to blend it too much ; it would activate the gluten, and we might end up with elastic pancakes.

Let the batter rest for half an hour. If you're in a hurry, you can go straight to cooking without a problem. For the more organized, prepare the batter the night before.

Pro tips : The secret to having beautiful, tender pancakes with a marbled appearance is to put a small amount of butter in the pan between each pancake. The pan should be hot so that the butter becomes nutty. It will slightly grill the pancakes, giving them a perfect texture.

Also, discover the most glamorous ravioli of your life and the delicious yogurt recipe by Benoît Castel.

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The week of Do It

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