French avocado toast

Recette Avocado Toast

The perfect recipe signed by the instagrammer @biendansmonslip to have brunch and please everyone without even making an effort.

For 1 person


Line a small colander with gauze or a very fine clean tea towel. Place your yogurt in it, place everything on a container and cover with the edges of the gauze. Leave for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

The yogurt will lose all of its water. All you have to do is put the preparation obtained in a glass jar and add the salt and the chopped fresh chives before mixing everything.

Cut the avocado half into thin slices. Toast the slices of bread , spread cream cheese on the hot bread , place your avocado slices on both toast and add a little pepper , toasted sesame , herbs and Espelette pepper if you wish.

Tip: For those with a sweet tooth, you can add a slice of bacon or a soft-boiled egg .

Livre de recettes de Margot bien dans mon slip, édition Leduc.s Pratique

" Margot's healthy recipes " from the blog @biendansmonslip at Editions Leduc.s Pratique, € 19.90.

Also discover the avocado and granola goat cheese toast

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