Rebecca Leffleror the art of being glam’ and vegan…

Rebecca Vegane

Her grandfather was a butcher and she was on a candy-pita diet for a long time. Nothing predicted this gourmet American would become the new veganism guru in Paris ? Andy et…

Glamour, committed, but never heavy nor moralizing… The lovely Rebecca has partaken in many collaborations democratizes this trend in France … First claim to fame: her corner Green Chic corner, launched on the beach of the Hotel Majestic during the Cannes festival in 2013 before publishing books at Marabout,. Her latest, Green Glam Attitude book that twists lifestyle and recipes, is a big hit just like her collaboration with the talented Sébastien Gaudard to imagine pastries. Encounter with a phenomenon…

green glam attitude livre

Green, Glam et Attitude de Rebecca Leffler (Marabout), 7,50 €

You claim “Vegolution is on its way”…

For me “Végolution”, is connoted “French Revolution”... Our cuisine is part of our history, patrimony in France… Yet, leading chefs change, in his 3-star restaurant at the Plaza Athénée, Alain Ducasse has made vegetals his specialty … And one finds vegetarian and vegan versions at the corner bistro, next to a tartare-fries and snails. Even Beyoncé is going for it… And at the same time, we realize that in terms of ecolology we need to change our habits. Yes, I think a new era has begun.

The trigger that made you become a vegan ?

It was 5 years ago. At the time I was working in the cinema world as a correspondent for an American paper. I read lots of things on US stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow and her new detox methods, Los Angeles filled with juice bars... Then people started talking about micro-nutrition, superfoods

In parallel, I had some health issues. I had to stop gluten and lactose. As an American in Paris, my diet consisted of bread, cheese and pastry. Suddenly, I realized there was a brand new world opening up —I started yoga. The more you take care of your body, the more good energies you have. For example, you no longer want to eat small killed animals. Little by little, I became a vegan.

Which food do you miss most ?

Cheese ! I miss it terribly. It’s the famous “umami” taste, you know, the “5th savour”, according to the Japanese. That small salty, smoky taste. But there are many ways of replacing it. I discovered “faux-mage”. Tops.

The worst is no yogurt. But today one finds yogurts made with vegetal milk a little bit everywhere, or even better with coconut milk.

Vegan girls are often considered “boring” in France ?

marque vetement veganPeople who say you are boring, those are the same ones who eat iffy and industrial sandwiches everyday at lunch. Frankly, I find it’s the opposite. In fact, chefs like Alain Ducasse, Alain Passard or Thierry Marx love this challenge ! They need to me super creative. One discovers new tastes, explores local vegetables creating colourful plates. When I started my book, I feared things would go in circles Result ? 350 pages of ultra cool recipes…

Your vegan mishap ?

Fashion. If it were just up to me, I would only by Stella McCartney, but vegan brands are expensive. I reduce my leather consumption, don’t wear fur. When I buy leather, I choose ethical brands such as, Ekyog, Marie & Marie, I check the provenance…

Same for beauty. I try to wear and use lots of organic and vegan brands. But I try not to be psychorigid, if I am abroad with no shampoo, I cope with what I have…

All the info on et

So what do you do when you are invited by carnivores ?

At the beginning, most people made fun of me, I was the curiosity. Typically, during the holidays. I came with my quinoa while the others ate turkey. And everybody wanted to taste what was in my plate. I find people have changed a lot. They can dig into a big prime rib of beef and eat veggie the next day.

Now, the vegan side, it amuses my friends who invite me to cook with them before a dinner … I whip up a macaroni and cheese with butternut and tofu sauce that everyone adores, vegan or not, or a chocolate mousse with no eggs or cream, using creamy avocado. They are all surprised!

Advice for girls attracted by veganism?

Don’t start overnight. It’s a shock for the body. Start little by little. First you need to reduce meat, eating only fish and white meat. Strop goat cheese and eat only ewe before moving on to “faux-mage”… At the beginning, I suggest seeing a dietician to understand vegetal proteins and stock up on vitamin D and B12.

My vegan address book

oh my creamWild & The Moon: the best of veggie food in Paris ! Delicious and never boring: "California cool » vibes at the heart of Paris.

Chambelland bakery: the best no gluten bread in the world ! All the info on

The Sébastien Gaudard pastryshop: we have collaborated to product no-gluten and vegan cakes for Valentine’s Day and Father’s Day.

Welcome Bio, for grocery shopping. A super selection of fresh products and my « best friend foods » that I always have at home such as Pure Flow Coco water and milk, mashed almonds and tahini Damiano or Iswari superfoods! All the info on

Le Marché bio de Raspail : yes, it’s a little expensive but much closer than a real farm in Paris… Thank you!

Les Terroirs d’Avenir for local fruit and veggies. All the info on

Umami Matcha Café : for a no lactorse matcha or guen maicha. All the info on

Oh My Cream! All my fave natural products in one place lieu ! From Léonor Greyl to RMS Beauty including their own products! All the info on

RMS the brand of the incredible Rose-Marie Swift made with coconut oil and totally natural to be applied on the face.

Max & Me : their products with essential oils make your skin glow in keeping with their brand philosophy. All the info on :

The most green and glam chefs of the capital!

chefsAlain Ducasse at the Plaza - Alain Ducasse was already talking about vegetables and quinoa before it became a trend! He is the one who started eating local, following the seasons and in a simpler way, while staying elegant and pleasurable for the taste buds!

Alain Passard – the master of vegetables! Those from his garden are so delicious on their own, there is no need to add anything, but sometimes her turns them into works of art ! A genius!

Thierry Marx at the Mandarin Oriental — A chef qui that practices tai chi, teaches meditation to his staff and produces French plates with tasty Asian influences? Yes please!

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