Pousse-Pousse, the veggie and gluten free nugget of South Pigalle

Pousse Pousse

This small cantina in the 9th is a precursor of good food in Paris. For the past ten years, this vegan table-grocery store launched by Laurence Aboucaya shakes up the habits of Parisiennes with cold squeezed juices and a healthy cuisine playing on the raw/cooked duo with seeds.

Attention, careful this does not mean you will eat like a bird, quite on the contrary. Plates are generous, super rich in nutriments and very savory. Which is not surprising since the menu evolves every day in keeping with the Yankee and Franco-Tunisian influences of the two chefs.

Here you will find a wide array soups (6,50 €), cooked like the velvety leek option or raw in gaspacho version. Same principle for the plates (13,50 €) mixing veggies, seeds, houmous twisted with incredible small colorful sauces. Indecisive types can always opt for the tasting menu that mixes raw and cooked portions, our favorite.

Special kudos for the desserts (7,50 €), vegan and no gluten also, to be chosen once again cooked (beet cake, pumpkin, coffee) or raw (chocolate with pimento).

We like: the green boudoir decor with wooden shelves and a huge chandelier. Think of reserving, but you can also opt for take-out .

The plus: the grocery shop corner where you will find powder spirulina, algae filled with vitamins to mix in juices and soups as well as other à terrific super-foods.

The must: a new address expected in March, more spacious, open in the evening and for Sunday brunch.

Lunch formulas starting at à 18,50 €

Restaurant open Tuesday to Friday from noon to 2:45 pm and on Saturday from noon to 4pm

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Where to find it?

Pousse Pousse

7, rue Notre Dame de Lorette

75009 Paris

01 53 16 10 81

Saint-georges Saint-georges

Notre-dame De Lorette Notre-dame De Lorette

Le Peletier Le Peletier

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