Mother’s Day : a feel-good and no guilt comedy released this week.
A casting with leading French actresses
After Les Héritiers on education and Le Ciel Attendra regarding the radicalisation of young women, film director Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar is back with a lighter subject, but that is treated well just like the others. A chorall film to the glory of mommies, sustained by a 5 star casting : Audrey Fleurot, Clotilde Courau, Olivia Côte, Nicole Garcia, Vincent Dedienne…
A portrait of today’s mothers...
All equal in terms of maternity? Yes ! It is possible to the President of the Republic and not be able to cope with a newborn baby. We have the proof with Audrey Fleurot, a head of state who seems more comfortable running the Elysée palace than in the nursery with her offspring. Or then to abandon the role of doting mother, like Nicole Garcia, the mother of Vincent Dedienne, who decides to live her life despite four calls per day from her son (minimum) from her son…
Possessive, watchful, clumsy, absent, omnipresent, rushed, culpabilizing, indulgent, loving, fragile, all mothers are imperfect.
La Fête des Mères, to be released on the 23 rd of May.
Also check out the interview of Olivia Cote and our top 10 of mother/daughter experiences.