Miss Carlotta, a new spa-boudoir à la Marie Antoinette

Everyone knows the Carlota Institution, real beauty enclave of tony Parisiennes.

So what if we told you that this kingdom of elegance was finally opening up on the well-named rue Princesse, under the sweet name of Miss Carlota, it’s the the promise of a cocooning ecstasy.

Far from cheap nail bars and low-cost beauty, here we are at the heart of a spa boudoir with a wildly Marie-Antoinette spirit in the Sofia Coppola version, nestled in Louis XVI armchairs, between chandeliers and parquet, tassels, wall paneling.

The only thing left to do is choose your royal treatment between a nail polish application, beauty of the feet or a great body massage. A last touch up of your makeup before the twelve strokes of midnight ring?

For princesses in a hurry we adore the 15 minute back massages for 25 € or an express manicure for 25 €.

Do it princesses  have already adopted the semi-permanent manicure here

Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 8pm

Late night Thursday and Saturday until 9pm

Where to find it?

Miss Carlota

11, rue Princesse

75006 Paris

01 43 26 15 15


Odeon Odeon

Mabillon Mabillon

Saint-germain Des Pres Saint-germain Des Pres

The week of Do It

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