Fashion jumble sales in the Marais

Les Fashion Braderies Du Marais

Does your wardrobe need a quick update to keep abreast of the upcoming trends? We have scouted two hot spots where you will be sure to find great looking pieces with cool price tags this weekend. Follow the guide.

Having gathered some treasures form Parisian department stores, the Secret de Commode collective is opening up a XXL wardrobe at Galerie Joseph. On the menu, deluxe shoes, designer dresses and highly desirable accessories.

The nec plus ultra of chic, take on the role of Pretty Woman at the nail, chignon and make-up bars around a glass of champagne, totally free small luxuries!

Fashion Reyclage, Friday the 13th of March from noon to  8pm and on Saturday the 14th of  March from 10am to 7pm, free access.

For more information.

As for Les Agaçantes, they are organizing a jumble sale with unique prices in a real showroom. The concept? Everything is at 5 or 10€, not a centime more. Enough to put together total looks at rock bottom prices.

Tip top, food supplies are planned (menu  including a sandwich, drink, dessert, 6€) with complimentary coffee.

Braderie aux prix uniques, Friday the 13th and Saturday the  14 th of March 2015. Entrance 1€ (free coffee).

More information.

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Where to find it?

Galerie Joseph

123, rue de Turenne

75003 Paris

01 42 71 20 22

Oberkampf Oberkampf

Saint-sebastien-froissart Saint-sebastien-froissart

Filles Du Calvaire Filles Du Calvaire

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