Save the date! Tuesday, the 16th of October, the top chefs in Brussels are showing up in Paris for a 100% foodie evening that is sure to be memorable. To be noted, the collective of the highly respected Le Fooding guide has invited its « Brussels darlings » specially for the occasion.
Amongst their top pickings? Nicolas Scheidt from La Buvette, Nicolas Decloedt from Humus x Hortense, Valérie Lepla from Pistolet Original, cheese refiner Julien Hazard and chocolatier Laurent Gerbaud.
Each one will whip up live up to their recipe with a Belgian accent: shiitakés from Bruxelles and butter à la gueuze, kimchi of white cabbage, grey shrimp nuggets… Yummy. And to make your mouth water, the Mort Subite brasserie is in charge of supplies.
Eating, moving, you know the story? The Belgian hip hop group La Smala has planned to handle the ambiance, followed by the DJ set of Junior Goodfellaz (L'Or du Commun).
When ? Tuesday, the 16th of October starting at 7pm.
Where ? Le Consulat, 2 rue Vercingétorix, 75014 Paris.
The price ? €30, including 5 portions of food, 6 beers of 15cl, coffee and sparkling water. €5 will be donated to the association « Va faire cuire un oeuf ».
Quickly reserve your place.
Les chouchous de Bruxelles, mardi 16 octobre au Consulat 2, rue Vercingétorix, 14e Paris.