How to choose your dietary supplements wisely

Dietary supplements, ranging from stress relief to improved skin health, have become ubiquitous. Discovering the right ones and using them effectively can be a challenge amidst the overwhelming variety of products. To guide us through this sea of miracle pills, we turned to Valérie Espinasse, the renowned micro-nutritionist often referred to as the nutritionist to the stars. She specializes in microbiota, weight loss, and acne treatment.


Definition of a dietary supplement

A dietary supplement is an addition to one's diet, implying that it cannot replace a balanced diet rich in vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements, fatty acids, probiotics, or plants.


Why take dietary supplements ? 

They prove useful in various situations, including insufficient micronutrient intake from regular food, specific life stages such as pregnancy, menopause, and aging, certain health conditions like infections, thyroid issues, and skin problems, as well as when the intestinal microbiota is imbalanced.


Is it dangerous to mix them ?

In theory, no, but it's always preferable to take dietary supplements under the guidance of a specialist.


How many different supplements can we take per day ?

This varies depending on individual needs, and there's no theoretical limit as long as there's no accumulation of active ingredients.


Substances to avoid 

If the dietary supplement is of European manufacture, adhering to European regulations, there are no substances to avoid.


Should natural supplements be preferred ?

It's always interesting to prioritize formulas of natural origin.


In which areas are they most effective ?

As a doctor of pharmacy with over 20 years of expertise in micronutrition, I can tell you they are effective in all areas. The key lies in choosing the right dietary supplement for the specific indication and understanding that the time to effectiveness may vary.


Can they be taken all year round ?

It's recommended to follow cycles, typically lasting three months, but there's no contraindication for long-term use if needed.


Most effective for the stomach, hair, and stress ? 

- For the stomach, probiotics are highly recommended.

- For hair, B-group vitamins and zinc form a solid foundation.

- For stress, adaptogenic herbs yield excellent results.


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