Dalmata, la pizzeria en édition très limitée

 Interior atmosphere and pizzas of the Pizzeria de Montorgueil

101, it’s the maximum number of pizzas at each service in this new Montorgueil hot spot. And not one more. Widely tested in the fashion world, the principle of the limited edition is a caution of quality. When they come out of the oven, all the Neapolitan pizzas are cooked to perfection. So you know what to do…

Arrive on time to order the Maserati of Margheritas (upgraded from a deluxe bufala €13), the Giana (tomato sauce, mozza, eggplant €12),the Sweet Dream (ricotta, smoked provola, glazed tomatoes, cacioricotta, €11) or the Black Delirium with truffle (€17).

Phew, late-comers should not worry, consolation alternatives will allow you not to go hungry: arancini with truffle (9€), polenta fries to tip in a torrid gorgonzola sauce (€7), mozzarella nuggets (€8).

Exterior facade and the Margherita and Sweet Dream pizzas of Damalta restaurant

And let’s not forget desserts: lemon tiramisu (€7), ice creams  signed Grom and… last but not least the house pizza with Giandui (€8) after which you will have to dance the night away in order to eliminate.

We adore : the geek-glam’ very 90s decor with neons, white tiles and all-over mirrors. Go for the selfies.


More info on the Facebook page of Dalmata.

Also check out Pizzou, the french-style pizzeria.

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Where to find it?


8 Rue Tiquetonne

75002 Paris


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