Jean Imbert's perfect brunch

Jean Imbert's brunch at the Plaza Athénée in Paris

We only talk about him. Coming out as the big winner of Season 3 of Top Chef , who would have imagined that 10 years later, the favorite hat of Generation Y would replace Alain Ducasse in the kitchen of the Plaza Athénée ?

While waiting to take up his post in September, Jean Imbert focused on his favorite moment of the weekend.

The brunch is his hobby. To the point of revealing all the secrets of this stylish meal at home to us and creating a dedicated box in collaboration with Nespresso on the sidelines of the sustainable Reviving Origins project, which aims to preserve the coffee terroirs in Colombia , Congo but also in Cuba or Uganda ...

Jean Imbert's brunch to order

Jean Imbert's brunch with brioche, a case of Nespresso capsules from the Reviving Origins range and a Zimbabwean coffee crème caramel.

Flemme to cook? Directly from Mamie , his highly coveted restaurant in the 16th arrondissement, Jean Imbert has concocted an incredible brunch box for two to be delivered to bed.

The result is an exclusive, ultimately chic menu with its famous brioche perdue recipe, a case of Nespresso capsules from the Reviving Origins range (his favorites), a salad of forgotten tomatoes & pickles , vanished zucchini and smoked trout , cocotte eggs with herbs from his vegetable garden, a caramel cream with Zimbabwean coffee , a unique spread , Anaïs strawberry jam but also a set of pretty cups of the LUME brand to perfect the instgrammable touch.

Order your brunch box on (95 €), before tomorrow evening.

The right ingredients for a homemade brunch


His shopping list? “I would say brioche , eggs , fruit , smoked trout because I love it but also ham . It is very important the cold cuts in a brunch . ” explains the chef. ”

The main ingredient of a stylish brunch is conviviality… “Bringing together family, friends, I think the people you share the moment with is as important as the content of the brunch. Even if personally I like very generous and very gourmet brunches, I prefer to start with the salty and end with the sweet around 5 pm, really at the end of brunch ”, laughs the chef.

His essential French toast recipe

Jean Imbert's french toast recipe

The hearts of the head: "toast coffee and cherry. I also like scrambled eggs like my grandmother used to do, in places they are too raw and in others overcooked but the two together work too well. ”

  • Cut two nice slices of brioche, then dry them.
  • Prepare the eggnog by mixing all the ingredients: 10 cl of milk + 20 g of raw cream + 3 eggs + ½ vanilla pod + 15 g of sugar.
  • Dip the brioche slices in this mixture for one to two minutes, the time to soften them well.
  • Hull 100 g of cherries then remove the stones.
  • In a frying pan , make a caramel with the sugar then add the butter , once it has melted add the cherries and cook for two to three minutes, keeping them warm.
  • Dry the slices of brioche bread , sprinkle them with sugar.
  • In a frying pan, melt a large knob of butter until it has a nutty color, then sear each side of the brioches .
  • Enjoy hot with the semi-candied cherries.

Coffee passion

No good brunch without espresso. “ I recommend the Café Congo Bio , which I used in my French toast recipe. This coffee is interesting for its history, it was cultivated on the volcanic soils of Lake Kivu , but also for its taste thanks to its notes of fruits and cereals, perfect for a brunch.

Also discover The best pastries in Paris and Maison Kalios, the stopover in Greece

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