Bontemps, the poetic-romantic pastry shop


I really wanted my own shop and looked around for a long time, I dreamt of it and I am proud of it! My first wish was for it to have soul, for it to be authentic, poetic and slightly out of time. And indeed, it happens to be in a historic private mansion where Madame de Maintenon is said to have lived for a year. It’s really a women’s haven! And that’s precisely what I like.

I am particularly fond of the checkered mirror showcased in our shop, which we picked up by happenstance with my husband from a mirror maker who had forgotten it in his cellar since 15 years! We gave it a second life because it was made to follow us.

Where to find it?


57, rue de Bretagne

75003 Paris

01 42 74 10 68

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