The gurus of therapeutic massages in Paris

The Gurus of the Therapeutic Massages of Paris

In certain countries, they are considered as real healers or doctors, whose practices of amazing precision set you straight or even better, prevent illnesses and inflammations.

You are at the end of your rope? Before shooting your last cartridges, take a break and go for a regenerative massage at one of the most trendy practitioners of all PARIS—all those in the know share these addresses between each other.

Xavier Mehat at Paris Palms

Portrait of therapist Xavier Mehat at Paris Palms Massage

Dancers at the Opéra all swear by the magic hands of therapist Xavier Mehat. Trained at the Vodder school and in Asia, he has put together his own protocol of Tui Na – a real medicine in China—having become one of the most amazing disciples in Paris. After a long massage of the tummy and a breathing session to identify energy and emotional blocks, he resets the Qi balance and unlocks tensions. Result? Your body reaches nirvana and your brain can take a nap. In short, you suddenly feel a lot better.

Massage relaxation 1h at €110
Paris Palms, 3 Rue des Grands Augustins, 75006 Paris

Jean Labbé

A real guru of massotherapy, this native of Quebec has put together Bodhypnosis®, a patented method that has proven itself—based on pressure points and slow compressions that plunge the body in a meditative state. Today, he trains a brand new generation of therapists and also offers parents-children masterclasses to help kids go to sleep. In case of a real need, Jean Labbé also has a few openings for sessions in his center on Boulevard Voltaire, where stars often come so he can get them back on track.

Jean Labbé, 133 Boulevard Voltaire, 75011 Paris


art on tatami and fuku massage at Suisen

If you have a sudden drop of energy, take example on the Japanese who practice shiatsu in order to eliminate tensions and rebalance energies. At Suisen, it is practiced in the old-fashioned style on a tatami. Wearing a traditional costume, you undergo a session that includes pressure points, percussions, stretching and light touching on the entire body. A true moment of relaxation in a timeless spot. Another option in case of very localized stress: the fuku massage concentrated on the tummy that enables to eliminate stress, toxins and negative emotions localized in the 2nd brain.

Treatment Tui Na ancestral 125 € 1h30

Suisen, 7 Rue de Thorigny, 75003 Paris

Maison du Tui Na

No need to cite La maison du Tui Na, leading maestro of Chinese medicine in Paris. His terrific protocol? 2.0 Tui Na aimed at helping Parisiennes get rid of ailments linked to poor daily postures and overexposure in front of screens. During a 1h20 massage, the therapist concentrates for 45 minutes on relaxing the back and the nape while targeting the trapezes (garbage muscles of the body) and working on Ashi points before moving onto deep Feng Chi pressure points to help headaches and sleeping troubles. Result? Vital energies circulate and you come out with durable stamina. Life seems more pink—right away.

Starting at €85 for 55 minutes of massage

La Maison du Tui Na, 9 Rue Nicolo, 75016 Paris and 13 Rue Saint-Gilles, 75003 Paris

Spa Mont Kailash

One does not land by happenstance at Mont Kailash, funded 10 years ago by Tseten Wangmo. Originally from a family of traditional doctors since several generations, this political refugee, herself a graduate of Tibetan medical school, decided to create a Parisian spa that perpetuates all the know-how she inherited. The massages offered such as the Traditional Art of Tibet or the Lung Sang massage with small herbal sachets dipped in hot oil literally allow a body reboot. To be combined with a 1h30 meditation session on Friday night for a quick and efficient change of mindset!

Traditional Tibetan Massage €117 for one hour.

Mont Kailash, 16 Rue Saint-Marc, 75002 Paris.

Spa Akasha

A real Parisian treasure with an amazing 17-meter pool benefitting from natural daylight, the spa of the Lutétia was conceived like a perfect holistic bubble. Here you can follow yoga courses but also up-to-date treatments around detox. The must? Lomi Lomi, a traditional Hawaiian massage totally unique in Paris, that relaxes, tones, purifies and nourishes. 4 elements allowing an ideal reboot for city dwellers suffering from urban stress.

€190 for an hour massage
Spa Akasha, 45 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris

Also discover Madotherapy, the new slimming therapy and the best hammams and spas in Paris.

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