In the realm of skincare, battling acne can feel like a lifelong struggle. While some individuals choose to embrace and live with it as society evolves, others persist in fighting it with a variety of products, treatments, and solutions, often leading us into a spiral of uncertainty. Do It In Paris introduces you today to 3 impressive treatments to be done in institutes for getting rid of acne : LED Photobiomodulation, Medium Peeling, and Back Beauty - an area often overlooked in skincare routines.
Better Than Cream
Location : In the warm and stylish setting of Better than Cream on Rue du Caire.
Treatment to book : LED Photobiomodulation
Promise : Target the bacteria responsible for acne and eliminate it !
Protocol : The practitioner cleanses the skin, we put on a pair of glasses, and spend 20 to 30 minutes under the LED panels. For acne, the recommended light is blue LED with purifying, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. No stress, these lights do not heat up and do not cause a feeling of suffocation; it's even relaxing ! Note : LEDs are suitable for all types of acne : inflammatory, cystic, hormonal, and can also treat back acne. Ideally, around ten sessions are recommended.
Result : The skin is much healthier, and acne pimples disappear, leaving behind a radiant complexion.
LED Photobiomodulation: €70 / 20 to 30 minutes (€250 for 5 sessions)
Better Than Cream. 4 Rue du Caire, Paris 2nd. Monday to Friday from 11 am to 7 pm. 09 82 68 26 11.
Location : In the minimalist and soothing institutes of Innerskin.
Treatment to book : Medium Peeling
Promise : Gently treat wrinkles, enlarged pores, persistent imperfections, or pigmentation issues.
Protocol : Before the session, avoid sun exposure and irritating products like fruit acids or retinol. On the day of the session, the skin is prepared with a cleansing foam to lower its pH. Once the foam is well rinsed and dried, the product is applied precisely to adapt to the skin's needs. Some discomfort is expected during application, and the product's application time before rinsing can vary depending on the indication (1 to 5 minutes). After peeling, protect the skin from the sun and use gentle skincare products. It takes about 28 days for complete skin regeneration, with sessions spaced approximately 1 month apart. Cases may vary, but on average, 2 to 3 sessions are needed to achieve the desired result.
Result : A harmonized complexion, healthy skin thanks to the cellular renewal caused by the peeling.
Medium Peeling 30 min / starting from €250 in 47 Rue de la Chaussée, Paris 9th, 59 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, Paris 4th, 10 Avenue d'Iéna, Paris 16th, and 97 Rue du Bac, Paris 7th. Online reservation.
Mademoiselle Bio
Location : In Mademoiselle Bio boutiques-institutes.
Treatment to book : Back Beauty
Promise : The delicacy and effectiveness of a facial but on the back.
Protocol : This back treatment starts with a deep cleaning, followed by a purifying treatment including exfoliation, steam, and comedone extraction if necessary. The best part comes next : a customized, ultra-relaxing massage for about thirty minutes. This interlude ends with the application of a purifying mask chosen according to our skin and a body lotion.
Result : A smooth, ultra-soft, and clarified back.
Mademoiselle Bio. Find the 10 Parisian institutes here. Variable hours depending on the addresses.
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