Claudie Pierlot and Maje

Stocks Maje Et Claudie Pierlot

What brands? Maje and Claudie Pierlot each have their stock boutique on rue de Marseille. At n°4, Maje, at n°6 Claudie Pierlot.

What do they sell? Last Summer’s collection at a -40% discount, with additional perks during private sales and the regular sales period. Right now, count an added - 30% discount.

Why go there? To pick up the nuggets we regretted the year before due to lack of budget.

During the sales?

- At Claudie Pierlot, you can find the 'Genny' duffle-coat for 327€, a 'Rififi' baby-doll dress for 117€, fancy velvet sneakers for 117€ or the 'Basque' top sold-out in stores for 93€.

- At Maje, the 'Rosemund' dress for 147€, a beautiful 'Marion' cardigan for 219€, a 'Gandhi' fur coat for 597€ instead of 995€.

We adore: mini prices on a few pieces from last winter such as 35€ jeans from Claudie Pierlot.

Claudie Pierlot, Monday from 11am to 7pm, Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 7:30pm, Sunday from1pm to 6pm.

Maje Monday to Saturday from 11am to 8pm, Sunday from 1:30pm to 7:30pm.


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